It’s a bit like building a house – it depends on what you want. A house with 4 rooms cost more than one with 3 rooms, designer door knobs cost more than the regular standard ones. A double storey house is dearer than a single storey one, and a single car port costs less than a double car garage.

No two projects are the same, and it wouldn’t be fair to try and fit them into a package price. The elements that affect pricing are:

  • Scripting
  • Locations
  • Shoot duration
  • Deliverables
  • Voice over
  • Talents
  • Captioning

Tell us what you want and we will tailor a project quote for you to fulfill your project.

We sure can. A common thing we get is that many people think media production is more costly than it actually is. Speak to us and we will price your project for you. It may be that we can tell you everything fits into what you have.

A video producer is a professional responsible for overseeing and managing the production of video content. Their role is to manage all the moving parts of video production, from initial concept to the finished product, and to ensure that the resulting video aligns with the client’s goals and creative vision. The producer is responsible for:

1 – Concept Development

2 – Pre-production

3 – Budgeting

4 – Coordination

5 – Creative Oversight

6 – Client communications

A multi-camera director is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the production of live or recorded broadcasts that involve multiple camera angles. This role is commonly found in television shows, live events, sports broadcasts, talk shows, concerts, and other productions where real-time coordination between multiple cameras is crucial to capturing dynamic and engaging visuals. The multi-camera director’s primary goal is to create a visually compelling and coherent final product by selecting camera shots, angles, and transitions in real-time.

We all have our special skill sets and as a team we bring these skills together to make your project work for you.

On a live event project, we will provide you with as many cameramen as there are cameras, a director, and if necessary, a graphics or replay operator.

On a shoot, our basic is a 2 man crew. A producer to manage all aspects of the shoot, and a cameraman to focus on the visuals. We don’t believe it would be fair our clients if we send just a cameraman and expect him to manage and coordinate all the moving pieces of a shoot as well as focus on getting good visuals.